Assimovs by ⎖ unflake Rally

Solana & XRPL NFTs with storyline and utility

Assimovs are 4,444 NFTS produced with a combination of algorithm and human made animations.
All the NFTs are different but with similar traits. The rarity is based on “Social Credit Score”, “Faction”, “₥ Genotype” and “Humanity Type”.
The distribution process will be by whitelist and claim inside the XRPL for the first 2,222. The other 2,222 Solana NFTs will be whitelisted by holding the ones on XRPL.
1 XRPL Assimov = 1 Solana Assimov

What's the Assimovs Rally?

There are only 700 spots on the 2,222 NFT collection. Just the first 700 pirates with all the evidences presented will be granted with a role to compete on Discord whitelist process. Rally last around 6 – 9 days and new steps will be published on this page during this timeframe. Starting on November 17th, ending on November 27th 2022.

Assigens Art

How can i compete on Assimovs Rally?

First you need to sign up on our registration form. Then you must stay tuned on email, twitter, discord and this website to discover new steps and follow the process. You need to follow each one of the steps to be able to whitelist yourself on the collection.

Join the rally!

What is the Assimovs rally about?

You must follow and complete every step of the rally. Some of those steps are just retweeting and mentioning people as requested on website. Some others steps are about competing for a place in a randomizer bot inside our discord, some others are about completing online quests. You have to be tuned and well informed.

Join the Conversation

Assimovs Rally Steps

There are 9 main stepsYou must stay tuned on Twitter, Discord and this page to be on track. First 700 pirates on completing the first 6 steps will be granted with a role for them to compete on different mechanisms inside Discord and win a whitelist place. Limited spaces are for market scarcity development, if you manage to complete, you’ll be receiving a really valuable asset before official market opening, so be wise.

Step # 1 // Preparations

You need to follow THIS 4 ACCOUNTS and Retweet THIS TWEET

Step # 2 Recruit

Go to this LINK and follow the instructions. This step is about tagging and mentioning. Let’s recruit!


Step # 3 Twitter Raid

Closed until November 19
First Retweet this LINK Go to LINK and follow the instructions


Step # 4 Discord Raid

Retweet this Tweet and then go to our DISCORD and create a personal invite link. Use that link to invite people you know are not on the ship. At the end of the rally, the top 50 inviters will get 1 SS₥ (Assigens) and every inviter with +1 will be granted a role for giveaway of 1,000 XRP.

How to create my invite link?

Step # 5 XRPL Coins Raid

Retweet this TWEET and then go to this LINK and follow instructions.

Raid Instructions

Step # 6 Sologenic Raid

Open you Sologenic account and go to this LINK and follow the ⎖unflake profile on Sologenic. Instead of that, you can also use this IMAGE as your Twitter profile pic and we’ll count it as good to go.

How to open a Sologenic account?

Step # 7 Help ₥achine

Retweet this Tweet and then go to this Form and get your randomizer role.

Get your role!

Step # 8 ₥achine Randomizer

Enter the Assimovs Randomizer on DISCORD and react to compete for ₥ Scientist Role

Visual Help

Step # 9 ₥ Citizenship Test

After getting chosen by Assimovs Randomizer, go to DISCORD and access the #?│assimov-lab to find the correct ₥ Gen. After winning the ₥ Alliance Role, go to ✅│assimov-whitelist and submit your wallet to be on the final list.

Visual Help

Stay Tuned!

Next steps will be added during the rally period. If you need support, you can reach us at Discord or Twitter.

₥ Rally Chat

Discord Channel

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FK₥ Holders


Our work strives to enhance ideas, human freedom,
efficiency of life and contemplation of existence
through technology, art and economic power.

Unflake Studio

Palo Alto, California
Zona Esmeralda, CDMX
Juriquilla, Querétaro



Houston, TX
Polanco, CDMX
Cabo, Baja California


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