September 21, 2023 Unflake

Crypto is just starting

21 Months of ∎ɯɐǝɹʇsuıɐ₥ʞɔnɟ

It’s been 21 months since ∎ɯɐǝɹʇsuıɐ₥ʞɔnɟ was written on the pages of the blockchain. We started ⎖unflake after having participated in the creative direction of some Solana and Ethereum projects that achieved great results. In these projects, decisions were not entirely under our control as they were made in conjunction with other crypto studios from the US and Mexico that were just emerging as players in this crypto space and had a different long-term vision.

Even though these projects were very successful and generated large amounts of money for all involved (holders and founders), we believe that these projects do not have a real long-term vision, they are simply “NFTs”, there’s nothing behind them.

For us, every time we start a creative project, we are making art, and there necessarily has to be a long-term vision at a higher level to keep the project afloat no matter what. For this reason, we decided to start our own project on an unexplored blockchain with great development opportunities. It was important for us to have the freedom to create and decide our own path, explore new ideas and go at our own pace, even if that meant starting from scratch.

The promise

From the beginning, the promise was that no matter what happens, we would continue. We always remember that ⎖unflake is not a project that only seeks profit; we already have that in other businesses and past projects. Here, the goal is to make a statement.

For us, ⎖unflake is the way to execute and culminate a creative vision that has been developing for over 15 years. It’s the way to impact the world with a vision and some secrets that have led us to achieve great things and impact many people.

Of course, the task and goal we set ourselves are not easy. Many factors in these first 21 months have made us change course, evolve, and correct on the go. For us, it’s natural for the entrepreneurial artist to face chaos, uncertainty, pressures, and situations outside of their creative process… it’s part of everything.

We present ourselves as pirates because that’s what we are. We come from places and experiences on the internet that are hard to explain, yet we have an office with coffee and a secretary at the reception as a front.

We are just in the early stages of what we want to achieve and in a quick assessment, we can say that we are happy. Despite facing challenges and a slow and difficult context in our daily world, we have managed to position ∎ɯɐǝɹʇsuıɐ₥ʞɔnɟ in a small but significant part of the internet, the XRPL.

This was the first step to start a long journey and fulfill a vision that goes beyond launching an NFT or creating a spontaneous market of value. In our genesis, we decided to take the creation of a brand beyond the product or service it distributes. In other words, ⎖unflake is not just a “crypto studio”, it’s something more. But it was only by creating such an abstract concept that we can fulfill a vision and a goal as specific as the one we have ahead.

A startup with corporate background

We are a team that comes from the corporate world where process and numbers rule, but you can find us having mimosas at 9 in the morning with a client and arriving in sneakers at our bunker. Apart from that, there’s an immense amount of work and internal challenges to overcome, not only for ⎖unflake but also for our daily work, which can keep this crypto ship afloat for many years.

The community we’ve created together, which we call a tribe, is just a piece of our vast responsibilities. Thousands depend on us daily, keeping us busy, sometimes even causing delays with ⎖unflake. However, they are the pillars ensuring ₥, ∎ɯɐǝɹʇsuıɐ₥ʞɔnɟ, and ⎖unflake’s monumental success.Unlike other projects, here we have many cards up our sleeves; we’ve just been laying the groundwork and leveling the field to start executing a master plan that we’re sure will blow many people’s minds.

The upcoming

The last 10 months of crypto have been difficult, not just on the XRPL. But next year, the halving of the most valuable asset on the blockchain will begin, and we know that it will attract a huge capital movement from the end of this year.

We have a few months to continue creating conditions on the XRPL, prepare grounds on other blockchains, and receive this capital influx, supported not only by thousands of actors already using the blockchain but to attract our clients’ capital.

We’re on the right track, there’s a lot to improve, change, and pay attention to, but we’ll keep going. This letter will age well. ⎖unflake has a great future ahead, and we’ll make it worth it, no matter the cost or time it takes.

All challenges will be overcome, and deficiencies will be fixed – a practice we’ve perfected over 15 years. Our brief hiatus, internal reshuffling, and government-related challenges have only fortified our determination. Some course corrections might be on the cards, but our journey remains unwavering.

After all, in the world of ∎ɯɐǝɹʇsuıɐ₥ʞɔnɟ, we pirates sail forever.

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Our work strives to enhance ideas, human freedom,
efficiency of life and contemplation of existence
through technology, art and economic power.

Unflake Studio

Palo Alto, California
Zona Esmeralda, CDMX
Juriquilla, Querétaro



Houston, TX
Polanco, CDMX
Cabo, Baja California


laissez faire, laissez passer ?

© 2021 – 2025 ∎ɯɐǝɹʇsuıɐ₥ʞɔnɟ